[iterm2-discuss] 3.2.0 window title change flashes on short-lived commands
Rick Hornsby
2018-08-08 16:00:06 UTC

I think there's something odd going on with 3.2.0 as it relates to the
window title. When I run a short-lived command like cd or ls, the window
title briefly flashes away from it's normal

<window_number> <***@host>: <working_directory>

I assume the title is changing to the command, but it flashes back to the
default title so fast I can't tell for sure. It didn't flash like this in
older versions (I don't think?) like 3.1.8. I tried turning off Prefs >
Appearance > Show Current Job Name, but it didn't seem to make a
difference. I like having the job name up there when it's a long running
job, but I don't remember it rapidly switching back and forth like that on
short-lived commands previously.

Except for what's required to run ohmyzsh with the Agnoster theme, I can't
think of much I've done to customize iTerm2 (which is a bit of a shame
because it's capable of so much) so it should be fairly stock.

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Rick Hornsby
2018-08-08 16:53:19 UTC
Post by Rick Hornsby
I think there's something odd going on with 3.2.0 as it relates to the
window title. When I run a short-lived command like cd or ls, the window
title briefly flashes away from it's normal
I had another system that was still running 3.1.7, and it behaves the same
way. I guess I just didn't notice it in the < 3.2.0 versions. For some
reason it very much caught my attention in 3.2.0.

Carry on.

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