[iterm2-discuss] Light/Dark (Day/Night) mode Integration with Preferences/Advanced/Automatic Profile Switching?
James Bennett Saxon
2018-07-18 18:48:05 UTC
Thank you for the fabulous project!

I've been playing with the automatic profile switching. It can be really
handy for determining which machine I'm on and making sure I have the right

But I've run into a snag in that I want it to also be timed to the time of
day/lightness or darkness of my environment.

Would it be possible to add in some sort of ability to have profiles
grouped into day/nights or some tagging like that so that the automatic
profile switch could have different profiles depending on what time of day
it is or what the ambient light conditions are?

The reason it's important is that once one gets used to easily switching
between Dark/Light modes, the forced Automatic Profile Switching overrides
that so because I'm finding light/dark more important from a usability
perspective, I've had to turn off Automatic Profile Switching.

Thanks again!

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George Nachman
2018-07-19 05:18:36 UTC
This sounds like a job for scripting. You could pretty much implement this
with the existing scripting APIs using
async_subscribe_to_location_change_notification (see
https://iterm2.com/python-api/notifications.html) and implementing
automatic profile switching yourself. Note this is only in the nightly
build and it's still under active development.

A better solution would be to have an explicit link between APS and
scripting. A script could be used to break ties, for example: if two
profiles want to be switched to under the same condition (e.g., same
hostname) then it could go to the script to make the choice. It would check
the ambient light levels and pick the light or dark profile appropriately.

I've opened an issue to track this:
Post by James Bennett Saxon
Thank you for the fabulous project!
I've been playing with the automatic profile switching. It can be really
handy for determining which machine I'm on and making sure I have the right
But I've run into a snag in that I want it to also be timed to the time of
day/lightness or darkness of my environment.
Would it be possible to add in some sort of ability to have profiles
grouped into day/nights or some tagging like that so that the automatic
profile switch could have different profiles depending on what time of day
it is or what the ambient light conditions are?
The reason it's important is that once one gets used to easily switching
between Dark/Light modes, the forced Automatic Profile Switching overrides
that so because I'm finding light/dark more important from a usability
perspective, I've had to turn off Automatic Profile Switching.
Thanks again!
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James Bennett Saxon
2018-07-25 05:45:19 UTC
I'll check out the python scripting option! Thanks!
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